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Night Angel

Night Angel 2009
The Night Angel band has formed in November 2008. The band is playing a Symphonic Metal. At first time, the band played songs from other music groups. The band has five members. Diana Perisic - vocal, Norbert Gobor - keyboards, Krisztián Jurisic - guitar, Dénes Csáki - bass, Marjan Pobric - drums. In February 2009 the band has recorded two own written demo songs. To be continued...
Dernier fois actualisé en: 2009-12-31Concert dates
Il n'y a pas de concert date disponible!
Profil d'artiste
Type: zenekari oldal
Genre: HEAVY
Style: Symphonic Heavy Metal
Fondé en: 2008
Fans: 1 person
Visité: 3028
Ville: Temerin
Votes: 0
A zenekar szerkesztői: norbertgobor
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